An untrained sorceress. A secret prophecy. A fight she can’t turn away from.

Bree of Eagleview Kingdom is breaking out of a life filled with harsh laws and terrible poverty. She’s been planning her escape since she was a young child, but now that she’s of legal age, the opportunity she had to leave peacefully has turned into an outright banishment by the jealous lead sorcerer, Zahn.

Unable to return to the kingdom, she’s soon on the road beside her Light Chaser father, who harvests liquid magic from giant animal Keepers that dot the land. For a while, she’s feeling well on her way to her new future, but the Keepers have been around for millennia, and unfortunately for Bree, they have nothing but bad news.

Torin, the evil sorcerer whose shadow has fallen upon the land, has heard a prophecy about Bree and her yet-untested power that threatens to strip him of every magical ability he has.

Now, instead of running toward her new future, Bree must stand and fight Torin’s minions, who are already hunting her. And with the madman’s noose tightening around her throat and an attack by a crew of soldiers from Torin’s lair, if she wants to survive, she’ll have no choice but to face her fate and battle to the death.



How does one turn evil?

Harrowing tales in the Light Chaser world of love and death intertwined.

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